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Explore the Meaning Behind the Festivals Instituted by Christ in the Bible (2).png

The Festivals listed in the Old Testament are central to God's Plan for all Humanity.

In fact, they were instituted by Jesus Christ Himself, as the God of the Old Testament (does that shock you?!)

Filled with meaning about Jesus Christ and the Plan of Salvation fulfilled through Him, these annual celebrations give occasion to deep teaching about the Past, Present and Future that God is making happen for all.

Watch these series of videos for just a hint of the meaning to be explored through the Festivals of God.

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Sermon Series

Spotless, Blameless, At Peace With Him | 2 Peter 3:13-19
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Light on Concrete Wall
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Light on Concrete Wall
It's too easy to get complacent about the Return of the Lord. How do we keep the dream alive?
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Keep The Dream Alive! - The Lord Is Not Slack Concerning His Promise

October 21, 2024
2 PETER 3:1-8

It's too easy to get complacent about the Return of the Lord. How do we keep the dream alive?

Light on Concrete Wall
The Apostle Peter tells us we have a prophetic Word, given by God through men as they were "carried along" by the Holy Spirit. And that Word tells us that the light of Christ will shine in our present darkness and arise as the morning star in our hearts.
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The Morning Star In Your Hearts

October 19, 2024
2 PETER 1:19-21

The Apostle Peter tells us we have a prophetic Word, given by God through men as they were "carried along" by the Holy Spirit. And that Word tells us that the light of Christ will shine in our present darkness and arise as the morning star in our hearts.

Light on Concrete Wall
The Apostle Peter was facing the end of his life. Hear what was important to him, what he wanted to leave as a legacy to Christians as he neared the end of his time 'tabernacling' in this life. And hear the surprising connections between his reminders and God's Day of Atonement.
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What You Leave Behind - Peter's Personal Legacy & The Day of Atonement

October 12, 2024
2 PETER 1:12-15

The Apostle Peter was facing the end of his life. Hear what was important to him, what he wanted to leave as a legacy to Christians as he neared the end of his time 'tabernacling' in this life. And hear the surprising connections between his reminders and God's Day of Atonement.

Light on Concrete Wall
Moses' prayers lead to the revelation of Jesus Christ Himself - this is reflected throughout the Torah that Moses wrote, including specific details of the plan of Salvation detailed in the Old Testament Biblical Festivals. The Passover is one of those key Festivals
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Moses, Prayer and the Plan of Salvation

April 13, 2024
EXODUS 6; HEBREWS 11:23-29

Moses' prayers lead to the revelation of Jesus Christ Himself - this is reflected throughout the Torah that Moses wrote, including specific details of the plan of Salvation detailed in the Old Testament Biblical Festivals. The Passover is one of those key Festivals

Light on Concrete Wall
The first church exploded on the Day of Pentecost and the following days in Jerusalem. The church is not "an option" for Christians. Jesus said He would build His church and it is what every true Christian becomes a part of.
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The Passion of the Church - The Founding at Pentecost

June 16, 2024
ACTS 2:42-47

The first church exploded on the Day of Pentecost and the following days in Jerusalem. The church is not "an option" for Christians. Jesus said He would build His church and it is what every true Christian becomes a part of.

Light on Concrete Wall
What do we learn about Moses and Israel crossing the Red Sea, the Resurrection of Jesus and their impact on humanity and Christians today? Can we really accept that Jesus was resurrected from the dead?
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From Red Sea to Resurrection

April 27, 2024

What do we learn about Moses and Israel crossing the Red Sea, the Resurrection of Jesus and their impact on humanity and Christians today? Can we really accept that Jesus was resurrected from the dead?

Light on Concrete Wall
How lavish is your love for Christ? A "Sinful Woman" anointed Jesus' feet early in His ministry. The anointing was repeated just before His death, similar to His washing of His disciples at The Lord's Passover meal.

Jesus said: "Whoever is little forgiven, little loves". How much do we realise what we have been forgiven and therefore how much shall we love? A message for the Passover and Lord's Supper season.
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Whoever Is Little Forgiven, Little Loves | Luke 7:36-50

April 20, 2024
LUKE 7:36-50

How lavish is your love for Christ? A "Sinful Woman" anointed Jesus' feet early in His ministry. The anointing was repeated just before His death, similar to His washing of His disciples at The Lord's Passover meal.

Jesus said: "Whoever is little forgiven, little loves". How much do we realise what we have been forgiven and therefore how much shall we love? A message for the Passover and Lord's Supper season.

Light on Concrete Wall
The Kingdom of God will be the most beautiful Kingdom of all time - there on the horizon. But to enter, we will need the paperwork - a Visa. What is that Visa? And what is the requirement of God for those granted His Visa?
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Do You Have Your Papers To the Kingdom? | 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13

September 30, 2023

The Kingdom of God will be the most beautiful Kingdom of all time - there on the horizon. But to enter, we will need the paperwork - a Visa. What is that Visa? And what is the requirement of God for those granted His Visa?

Light on Concrete Wall
What lies at the heart of the Christian life? How can we make central to living in the Way of Christ? The Apostle Paul expressed to the Thessalonians - in his love-filled letter - the most vital and critical lessons he could about the impact of the Gospel and the Promises of God in our lives.
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Receive and Walk - The Foundations of Christian Life | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-2

October 2, 2023

What lies at the heart of the Christian life? How can we make central to living in the Way of Christ? The Apostle Paul expressed to the Thessalonians - in his love-filled letter - the most vital and critical lessons he could about the impact of the Gospel and the Promises of God in our lives.

Light on Concrete Wall
The Apostle Paul wrote from the heart to the Thessalonians in one of the most beautiful expressions of the love of true Gospel Teachers, reflecting the Love of God for His people and the final hope we have in Jesus Christ. At the same time, he pointed out distinguishing characteristics of false teachers.
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The Love of True Gospel Teachers vs False Teachers - Paul & The Macedonians | 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

October 21, 2023

The Apostle Paul wrote from the heart to the Thessalonians in one of the most beautiful expressions of the love of true Gospel Teachers, reflecting the Love of God for His people and the final hope we have in Jesus Christ. At the same time, he pointed out distinguishing characteristics of false teachers.

Light on Concrete Wall
Most churches do not understand how God's grace links the very first Pentecost with the Pentecost we see when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in the Book of Acts! Just one verse is shocking in its ignored implications for how Christians should treat the Grace of God and the Holy Spirit.
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What Churches Do Not Understand About Pentecost

May 28, 2023

Most churches do not understand how God's grace links the very first Pentecost with the Pentecost we see when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in the Book of Acts! Just one verse is shocking in its ignored implications for how Christians should treat the Grace of God and the Holy Spirit.

Light on Concrete Wall
A brief message: How do we reconcile the nature of free will, God's commands and sacrifice and offerings? How do the ancient sacrificial offerings commanded for Israel apply to our lives as Christians today?
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How Can We Have Free Will If We Are Commanded? Old Testament Offerings And Christians

April 12, 2023
LEVITICUS 22:17-33

A brief message: How do we reconcile the nature of free will, God's commands and sacrifice and offerings? How do the ancient sacrificial offerings commanded for Israel apply to our lives as Christians today?

Light on Concrete Wall
The great and precious promises of God culminate in a New Heavens and a New Earth. With that in mind, we are to grow in grace and knowledge so that we may present before God the Great Judge at the Last Great Day - spotless, blameless and at peace with Him.
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Spotless, Blameless, At Peace With Him

October 24, 2024
2 PETER 3:13-18

The great and precious promises of God culminate in a New Heavens and a New Earth. With that in mind, we are to grow in grace and knowledge so that we may present before God the Great Judge at the Last Great Day - spotless, blameless and at peace with Him.

Light on Concrete Wall
A reading of 2 Peter Chapter 2.
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The Doom of False Teachers

October 20, 2024

A reading of 2 Peter Chapter 2.

Light on Concrete Wall
Peter left us reminders of why we can believe the truths about Jesus Christ and His Return - as pictured in the Feast of Tabernacles - by pointing us to the Transfiguration. we learn the surprising direct links between the Transfiguration and the Feast of Tabernacles and why observing these days is such a blessing to Christians.
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The Surprising Links Between Peter, The Transfiguration & the Feast of Tabernacles

October 17, 2024
2 PETER 1:16-18

Peter left us reminders of why we can believe the truths about Jesus Christ and His Return - as pictured in the Feast of Tabernacles - by pointing us to the Transfiguration. we learn the surprising direct links between the Transfiguration and the Feast of Tabernacles and why observing these days is such a blessing to Christians.

Light on Concrete Wall
God has given us great and precious promises of His divine nature of salvation and of the future. What's it worth to know this God? What are His promises for us and for the future? 2 Peter has some astonishing answers.
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What's It Worth To Know A God Who Creates The Future? - Feast of Trumpets 2024

October 3, 2024
2 PETER 1:1-4

God has given us great and precious promises of His divine nature of salvation and of the future. What's it worth to know this God? What are His promises for us and for the future? 2 Peter has some astonishing answers.

Light on Concrete Wall
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Light on Concrete Wall
The Passover, Jesus & Nicodemus and The Last Passover of Jesus the Christ - how are they all connected?
Learn the importance of the new life - being born again by eating of the unleavened bread that is Christ.
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Three Passovers, One Sacrifice

April 23, 2024

The Passover, Jesus & Nicodemus and The Last Passover of Jesus the Christ - how are they all connected?
Learn the importance of the new life - being born again by eating of the unleavened bread that is Christ.

Light on Concrete Wall
What importance should we attach to the Unleavened Bread of Christ? Is it just rituals that will change us, or the divine love living in our hearts?
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The Love of Christ the Unleavened Bread from Heaven

April 29, 2024

What importance should we attach to the Unleavened Bread of Christ? Is it just rituals that will change us, or the divine love living in our hearts?

Light on Concrete Wall
Paul shows by his comments to the Thessalonians how the Atonement demonstrates the heart of God wishing to cleanse all humanity.
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It's Not Just About You - The Atonement of Christ | 1 Thessalonians 2:13-3:10

September 25, 2023

Paul shows by his comments to the Thessalonians how the Atonement demonstrates the heart of God wishing to cleanse all humanity.

Light on Concrete Wall
Paul's instructions to the Thessalonians regarding sexual purity and how Christians are to live displays one of the great concerns of the New Testament: Being made into the image of God - Holy - through the Mind of Jesus Christ in us. Then He will present us blameless before Christ in the Kingdom.
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Made Into His Image By The Mind of Christ | 1 Thessalonians 4:3-12

October 1, 2023

Paul's instructions to the Thessalonians regarding sexual purity and how Christians are to live displays one of the great concerns of the New Testament: Being made into the image of God - Holy - through the Mind of Jesus Christ in us. Then He will present us blameless before Christ in the Kingdom.

Light on Concrete Wall
What does the Bible tell us will actually happen to all humanity in the Resurrection and the Judgement? Think of the roster of those who have died with or without Christ. What will happen to them? It's not what most of Christianity says, but so much better according to the Scriptures. In light of the Return of Jesus Christ and the future laid out for humanity, how do Christians prepare today - in this life - for God's future fulfilment of His Plan?
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Christian Preparation For God's Promises For All Humanity | 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

October 7, 2023

What does the Bible tell us will actually happen to all humanity in the Resurrection and the Judgement? Think of the roster of those who have died with or without Christ. What will happen to them? It's not what most of Christianity says, but so much better according to the Scriptures. In light of the Return of Jesus Christ and the future laid out for humanity, how do Christians prepare today - in this life - for God's future fulfilment of His Plan?

Light on Concrete Wall
The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ was the motivating hope of the early Christians - it is the greatest hope of all true Christians. The Old Testament Feast of Trumpets combined with the teachings of Christ and the Apostles gives us incredibly clear and motivating truths about the prophetic fulfillment in the birth, life, sacrifice and resurrection of The Son of God, Jesus Christ, and His Promised Coming with wrath and justice.
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Turn, Serve and Wait For His Son From Heaven - Feast of Trumpets | 1 Thessalonians 1

September 16, 2023

The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ was the motivating hope of the early Christians - it is the greatest hope of all true Christians. The Old Testament Feast of Trumpets combined with the teachings of Christ and the Apostles gives us incredibly clear and motivating truths about the prophetic fulfillment in the birth, life, sacrifice and resurrection of The Son of God, Jesus Christ, and His Promised Coming with wrath and justice.

Light on Concrete Wall
The Resurrection is the most profound event to impact humanity and the cosmos. Yet, it was a very personal event. See how the disciples running to the empty tomb and Mary wandering, lost, looking for her Saviour, becomes our example of running from our emptiness to our Lord, the Risen Christ.
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He Ran!

April 8, 2023
JOHN 20:1-18

The Resurrection is the most profound event to impact humanity and the cosmos. Yet, it was a very personal event. See how the disciples running to the empty tomb and Mary wandering, lost, looking for her Saviour, becomes our example of running from our emptiness to our Lord, the Risen Christ.

Light on Concrete Wall
Have you ever realised that Esther is a Passover story? And like all Passover stories, there are startling particulars that foreshadow the details of Jesus Christ our Passover, Saviour from the sins of all mankind.
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A Passover Story - Esther and Jesus

April 6, 2023

Have you ever realised that Esther is a Passover story? And like all Passover stories, there are startling particulars that foreshadow the details of Jesus Christ our Passover, Saviour from the sins of all mankind.


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