Church Founding Welcome Service
Time is TBD
|Церква Гармонія
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Time & Location
Time is TBD
Церква Гармонія, 500 Terry A Francois St. San Francisco, CA 94158, США
About The Event
Looking for a church where you can hear the Word, honestly taught, and worship in Spirit and Truth? A church that observes the instructions and example of Jesus Christ Himself? A place where believers try to honestly wrestle with the intent of the Bible and follow a Way that has led to profoundly changed lives through thousands of years - looking not only day-by-day, but to a fantastic future beyond our dreams?
Attend Living Rock Church Of God, starting in Ellenbrook, Western Australia in 2022.
We are a different kind of church. We believe in living out the truth that we sincerely hold: that Jesus Christ came to be the Saviour of a world out of control, that the Bible is His inspired Word and that the instructions He left for his people need to be applied in living faith. We need to build our lives, not on shifting sands, but on Living Rock - and that Rock is Jesus Christ.
That's a pretty tough call. But we have lived lives that demonstrate that God really is a God of love, of faith and of hope that He's written to something that He revealed not only in written form, but in the very life of His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible is filled with incredible stories and writings - misunderstood and underappreciated by most of our society - that teach Wisdom, a guide through the good and bad of life and a guide for a deeper relationship with the Maker of the Universe than you could ever dream. It's practical, addressing every aspect of life - yes, including how to respond during pandemics - and also teach an almost incredible future that has been sadly misunderstood and mistaught by those you associate with traditional Christianity.
You'll find we have much in common with other churches - who are our family in God - but we do some things a little differently. That starts with our weekly service, which is on the Saturday "Sabbath", just like the Biblical example and the example of the early church. We also have a different "church calendar" throughout the year, reflecting the Festivals that God Himself introduced to the world, echoing His plan and bringing His people together throughout the year in celebration and warm love as we share the wonderful, fulfilled life that He promised all people who come to Him.
Our messages are thoughtful, researched, passionate and, we pray, inspired, attempting to systematically bring out the tremendous depth of the Bible and apply it to our contemporary world.
Our main teacher is the founder of Living Rock Church of God. He is experienced with decades worth of teaching and church preaching and pastoral duties, but also in higher studies in a number of fields and work in multiple professions. Just like you, he works in the "real world" and is not paid by the church, but volunteers his time to teach, preach and supervise our church.
Whether you're a novice, or consider yourself an expert, whether you have little formal education or a PhD, you'll find something here that teaches you through, as we believe, the active work of the Spirit of God.
Curious? Want to find out more?
Come along. There's no pressure to join, no pressure to give money. We're not looking for income - we're looking to give freely to you.
And all are welcome - little kids, grandparents, the disabled. We have direct experience working with the whole gamut of people, including the disabled, so will know how to accommodate your needs. We'd love to meet you and will make things as easy as we can for you.
[We even welcome people in their 50s. That's a joke, because the person writing this is 53. It's okay - we have a sense of humour, even if it is Dad jokes :) ]
If you'd like to volunteer your talents to help, we're on the lookout for founding members - helping in music, audio-visual, setup, welcoming, first aid, administration and more. please contact us and we'll get right back to you.
Register here and you'll be updated with details about the first service and we'll be able to contact you if any changes occur.
All are welcome to arrive from 9:30 am.
Service is from 10:00 until approx 11:30 am.
Refreshments and social time continue until 12:30 pm.
We will have barista-made coffee available on-site :)
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Living Rock Church of God
"Build Your Life On The Rock"
(Living Rock Church of God is an independent local church.)