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Peter McLean

Want to learn more about the primary preacher and overseer at our church? Here's a little about Peter related to his church work.

Be warned, it is a little wordy...

A little about Peter's background for service

A graduate of multiple universities in multiple disciplines, Peter's Biblical and Theological education includes a degree with Theology specialty, including homiletical preaching and ministerial training, leadership and service training from Ambassador University in the USA. He worked in the Faculty of Theology, and was an appointee to visiting preaching and worship teams, residential leadership and leadership as the University's International Student Body Representative (i.e. International Student Body President).

In churches and church communities in Perth, USA and Canada, Peter served as a peripatetic preacher, was commissioned for youth ministry, was appointed to run worship and preaching ministries and church Festivals and was called and appointed numerous times to serve on Church Pastoral Teams.

His Biblical and theological approach is assisted by his various degrees in Liberal Studies including specialties in Communication, Leadership, Biblical Counselling and Ministry, Biblical languages, Psychology, Humanities, Sciences, his postgraduate degree in Education and the analysis and teaching of English and English Literature, his Masters degree work in Education and Educational Psychology and PhD studies with a basis in qualitative analysis and ethnographic research. His professional qualifications further include IT, business, leadership and education. His various degrees and qualifications were obtained in Australia, the USA and Canada.

Which is all to say, he's old, has been around and has studied a lot.

Peter now runs his own businesses, having previously worked in education as a teacher and school administrator, and in University Faculty as a teacher trainer & development mentor. He also trained in cognitive and developmental psychology assessment & counselling, special education and teacher pedagogy and development. He has run large businesses and turnarounds. He is self-employed as an expert organisational and leadership consultant and business strategist, as well as owning business interests. He uses his counselling training and his business and educational experience to serve as an executive coach to leaders and managers in all kinds of industries. His career finds him working across the region on difficult and critical projects for the well-being of others.

In other words, Peter works in the real world just like everyone else.

Peter is active in the community of Swan Valley and surrounds, where he previously founded and served as part-time CEO of the Chamber of Commerce and Community, which ran from 2018-2023.

Peter trained in classical voice and still uses any opportunity to sing really loudly, sometimes distressing or embarrassing his older daughters. Alongside his childhood raised in a dancing, singing community of Ukrainian-Australians and with an ex-rock-and-roll lead singer of a father, Peter is an ardent student and advocate of the Arts. He also loves great literature and movies and will debate Star Wars in all its iterations in mind-numbing detail, as does all of his extended family.

His wife has served for a number of years as the Dean of Science and Mathematics at Ellenbrook Christian College. She is an integral part of Peter's service to the Church. They have 3 daughters, 2 of whom are adults studying and working towards their career goals. Their youngest daughter is severely disabled and is a loving handful, keeping the family in mind that the daily trials and tribulations of life require constant support and blessings from our Lord and our God.

Peter is blessed with a large extended family in the Perth area who frequently get together for loud, rambunctious dinners hosted by his amazing parents and siblings.

Raised in a strong Ukrainian-Catholic family, yet Peter knew the despair of life and the dreadful unmeaningfulness of solitary existence. He wondered about the very existence of God and seriously researched whether life had originated in a virtual petri dish or via the work of a Personal Creator.

It was God the Father's call to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ when Peter was a teenager, facilitated by a ministry that treated seriously the questions of life alongside the Biblical witness, that led Peter to belief in the Word of God as the true and inerrant revelation of God. He was led to the conviction that repentance, baptism and devotion of one's life to Jesus Christ as personal Saviour is the only sure means to be saved from the pains of this life, brought into a loving relationship with the one true God and readied for the awesome future of eternal life in the Kingdom to come.

Peter, his wife Mary and their children founded Living Waters Church of God in mid-2022. Peter serves voluntarily as Pastor-Teacher, without salary, as it is a delight to be able to serve God and His family.


I'm always happy for people to get in touch.

(+61 8) 6373 9154



Meeting Venue:

Ellenbrook Christian College

'G' Block

Cnr Santona & San Lorenzo Blvds


Western Australia


Thanks for submitting!


(08) 6373 9154

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