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2 Peter and the Upcoming Season of Celebration

During the month of October 2024, we are celebrating a series of special days that look forward to the momentous events of Jesus' Return, the reconciliation of the world, the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth and the Great White Throne Judgement. Phew! Just all of eternity!

During this month, therefore, we are especially preaching through Peter's Second Epistle. An incredibly full letter from Peter, penned as he looked ahead to his own death and wanted to tell the churches what most important matters they should hold dear and those they should guard against as they - and we - look forward to

"A new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells".

We will be preaching through 2 Peter with special insights related to the season.

Following is our general October services schedule:

Thurs Oct 3 - Feast of Trumpets

Sat Oct 5 - regular church services

Sat Oct 12 - Christian Day of Atonement

Thurs Oct 17 - 1st Day Feast of Tabernacles

Sat Oct 19 - 3rd Day Feast of Tabernacles

Sun Oct 20 - 4th Day Feast of Tabernacles

Mon Oct 21 - 5th Day Feast of Tabernacles Wed Oct 23 - 7th Day Feast of Tabernacles

Thurs Oct 24 - Last Great Day; 8th Day Feast of Tabernacles

You can download a schedule of our October services here:

You download a copy of the Feast Of Tabernacles schedule (plus activities) here:

Registration for the Feast of Tabernacles is at

We look forward to seeing you during this season!

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