It's hard to believe that once again we are at the start of a new year - 2025. 2024 just flew by! A year with so much happening around the world and probably in your life, but a year that is now behind us as we look ahead.
What's important to you for the coming year? Work, family, health? So, maybe you've already thought about your spiritual health - your connection with God. You want to know more, learn about Him, turn your life around because you know you need it and you have this call in your mind that God, that Jesus Christ, may really be the only way that turnaround can happen. That all of those resolutions everyone makes at the beginning of the year which fail by the third week, fail because you know you need someone greater than you to turn the good into lasting reality.
So, maybe you've been thinking you need to learn more about Him, learn more about the Bible, hear the Word of God really speaking to you. That's right - to you. Maybe you need to commit to doing something about it, or you know you need to recommit because you've let it drop. Or maybe you even think you've been studying the Bible or learning about God, but it seems like there's a disconnect and you want something deeper, something that makes sense of what you read and doesn't shy away from the truth you read in the Bible.
So, maybe what you need to do is to join us at Living Waters Church of God. We take the Bible seriously. So seriously that when we read something in its pages that we should believe or change, then we should actually do that and not make excuses. So seriously that when it challenges the dominant beliefs and teaching even of regular Christian churches, that we should follow what the Word of God says and not what we'd like to make it say. We work hard to make sure that what we preach, teach and practice is inspired by God at every step.
That's why some of our practices and our teaching are different, because we take every Word of God so seriously.
So should you.
You Have To Ask Yourself? What Am I Really Doing Here?
Jesus taught that He would build His church and that The Father would call those who would follow Him to be part of that church - hearing Him, worshipping Him, loving Him and fulfilling His Mission in a holy love together. In this day and age, there are many who think they are "all good" if they read the Bible for themselves and watch some YouTube sermons. They think they can "go it alone". But what are they really doing here?
Anyone who treats God's Word properly has to immediately realise that such a position is completely antithetical to the teaching of Jesus, the Apostles and the thrust of the entire Bible. The isolated, self-sustaining Christian is an oxymoron. We cannot "go it alone". God has always wanted to build His loving family, not a bunch of isolated learners. You're not learning anything if you're not learning that God wants you to be a loving part of His family.
If you've read this far, the probability is He's calling you to be part of that family. That's what you really should be doing here.
So, Maybe You Should Be Part Of Our Family
If you are nearby (we are in the Ellenbrook area of Perth, Western Australia), then we want you to join with our family in Christ. Why do we want you to join us? Because, honestly, we strive to be absolutely faithful to Jesus Christ and the Scriptures and to teach believers in Christ what the Bible truthfully says. There are many charlatans, many pretenders, many people who want to con you and others. We want to take care of you and protect you as children of God. We want those whom God has called to the Truth to be with us, where we can teach them properly and carefully and share in their joy as we all grow in Christ.
It is with this absolute sense of commitment that we follow Jesus' and the Apostles' instructions to handle the Word of God carefully and to watch over His people protectively and faithfully.
(While we make this invitation, we acknowledge that we have many readers and viewers of our sermons all over the world who are too remote from us to join us regularly. Whilst we do not yet have congregations elsewhere, we recommend that you continue to watch and view our resources online, but also to seek the company of other Christians locally as well. Be a part of God's work in your local area. Please still feel free to contact us, as we have growing options and connections that may work for you.)
Join Us!
Come, join us and hear every inspired Word of God taught, explained and treated seriously for our lives and your life. Be a part of God's family in a Bible-believing church, following Jesus Christ, the One who came down from heaven to live and give His life for mankind, now resurrected back to His eternal state, serving you.
We meet Saturday mornings, every 2nd, 3rd and 4th weekend of each month (and sometimes a 5th weekend), with the service running from 10-11:30. Refreshments are provided after each service so you can stay, talk with other believers about God and share in the fellowship of God. Plus, there are special celebrations and dates throughout the year.
We meet at Ellenbrook Christian College, 'G' Block. You'll find a map here.
Anyone is welcome to attend. If you let us know you're coming by registering for a service date, we can advise you of any late changes or you can call us if you can't find the spot 😄
You can also arrange a private and confidential meeting with Peter, our Pastor, if you want to discuss any questions you have about God, the Bible or our church at any time. This meeting can be arranged in a friendly spot over coffee or in another environment where all involved feel confident and safe. Simply complete the Contact form or call on 08 6373 9154.
Start The New Year With The Most Important Thing
Start 2025 with the most important thing in life, a resolution that cannot fail, built on Jesus Christ - and join us as we seek God and eternal life!
© 2025 Living Waters Church of God