There's a new acronym for it: FOMO, which stands for Fear of Missing Out. People will spend inordinate amounts of time doing things they perhaps normally wouldn't do, investing their time, money, and resources just so they won't miss out on what everybody else has.
This is the case with mobile phones. Mobile phones are everywhere, and people will go and get the latest one even though they have one that's two years old and perfectly fine. They'll spend $2,000 on the latest and greatest model, on a plan that they're paying for every month, out of fear of missing out on the best, latest version with all the latest gadgets, social media tricks, and tools to "stay connected to the world."
If you think about what is actually happening when people invest all that time and money, the operative word there is "fear." Fear is really active for so many, isn't it? Fear is what's driving them. What is it that people ultimately fear? They fear that their hearts are not full, that their lives are not full, and that they cannot take every opportunity life affords them.
Particularly when you do not have a view that includes God and His promises, that fear revolves around this life. Everything that is in front of you—the Earth, everything that is in front of you—is what counts. Because I'm going to live, I'm going to die. Some people think maybe they'll somehow continue on in the cosmos, in some consciousness or whatever. I don't know how they justify how that happens without God, but they do. They say, "Now is the time that I need to maximize," so everything is plowed into the now so that they can feel like they have a full life.
Ironically, by doing so, what they miss out on is actually a real full life—a life without fear, without anxiety, filled with a love that is far greater than anything any one individual could ever build. That's the love, the treasure, the reward that is with our Father in heaven and with Jesus Christ, His Son.
Jesus says, "Start treasuring up for yourselves treasures not on Earth but in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, where it doesn't get eaten up by vermin, where somebody does not dig in and steal what you've stored away. If you store your treasures in Heaven, your heart will be there." Conversely, if your heart is there, you will store up treasures in Heaven.
Jesus, in this sermon, is describing what is involved in our human hearts and minds and how to latch on to something that is permanent, not something that is impermanent and transitory, that will fade away.
Taken from the sermon, "The Awe-Inspiring Riches God Promises You! Treasures In Heaven - Part III"
Watch the whole sermon here: