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Faith, Repentance and Baptism

They're all terms that are challenging to understand - both what they are and what we are to do about them.

Here you will find a growing collection of messages directly addressing these topics.

We hope you will find them valuable.

If you would like to contact us regarding your faith in Christ, click here.

If you would like to attend our services, you will find upcoming dates here.

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Sermon Series

Forgive Us Our Debts | Matthew 6:12
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Light on Concrete Wall
Jesus famously instructs His followers, "Do not worry!". Our worries can be defeated by watching the birds and pursuing the ultimate ambition that we should have in life: The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
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Stop Worrying ... Embrace the Theology of the Birds

November 23, 2024
MATTHEW 6:25-34

Jesus famously instructs His followers, "Do not worry!". Our worries can be defeated by watching the birds and pursuing the ultimate ambition that we should have in life: The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.

Light on Concrete Wall
What do we learn about Moses and Israel crossing the Red Sea, the Resurrection of Jesus and their impact on humanity and Christians today? Can we really accept that Jesus was resurrected from the dead?
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From Red Sea to Resurrection

April 27, 2024

What do we learn about Moses and Israel crossing the Red Sea, the Resurrection of Jesus and their impact on humanity and Christians today? Can we really accept that Jesus was resurrected from the dead?

Light on Concrete Wall
Jesus Christ - the most consequential name in history. What does His name mean and how do we respond?
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By No Other Name - Jesus Christ

July 30, 2022
MATT. 1:18-25

Jesus Christ - the most consequential name in history. What does His name mean and how do we respond?

Light on Concrete Wall
The Passover, Jesus & Nicodemus and The Last Passover of Jesus the Christ - how are they all connected?
Learn the importance of the new life - being born again by eating of the unleavened bread that is Christ.
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Three Passovers, One Sacrifice

April 23, 2024

The Passover, Jesus & Nicodemus and The Last Passover of Jesus the Christ - how are they all connected?
Learn the importance of the new life - being born again by eating of the unleavened bread that is Christ.

Light on Concrete Wall
The Kingdom of Heaven was Jesus' singular purpose, His whole reason for coming. So why don't we hear about it in the churches? How should we respond to the clarion call of Christ?
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The Kingdom of Heaven Is Near

April 15, 2023

The Kingdom of Heaven was Jesus' singular purpose, His whole reason for coming. So why don't we hear about it in the churches? How should we respond to the clarion call of Christ?

Light on Concrete Wall
"Then cometh Jesus", says the King James Version. The fully mature Jesus ARRIVES on the scene of Salvation. And what is the first thing we see Him doing? He gets baptized by John. Why would the Son of God be baptized and what do we learn about baptism for us through His example?
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Then Comes Jesus! Why Was

January 28, 2023
MATTHEW 3:13-16

"Then cometh Jesus", says the King James Version. The fully mature Jesus ARRIVES on the scene of Salvation. And what is the first thing we see Him doing? He gets baptized by John. Why would the Son of God be baptized and what do we learn about baptism for us through His example?

Light on Concrete Wall
Jesus' instructions regarding "When you fast" show us something very different about fasting and the Lord.
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Fasting For a Fuller Faith

August 24, 2024
MATTHEW 6:16-18

Jesus' instructions regarding "When you fast" show us something very different about fasting and the Lord.

Light on Concrete Wall
God comforts those who mourn. But what do they mourn? How does one mourn? This is an integral step in our development as Christians, greatly misunderstood by all. Hear what the heart of God - the Spirit of Christ - would mourn.
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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn - Receiving the Comfort of God

June 10, 2023

God comforts those who mourn. But what do they mourn? How does one mourn? This is an integral step in our development as Christians, greatly misunderstood by all. Hear what the heart of God - the Spirit of Christ - would mourn.

Light on Concrete Wall
It's easy to read right past the Gospels these days. Learn about the astonishing claims and exciting story introduced by Matthew as the Genesis of Jesus Christ - Messiah. Starts our systematic expository series in Matthew.
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The Genesis of Jesus Messiah

June 11, 2022

It's easy to read right past the Gospels these days. Learn about the astonishing claims and exciting story introduced by Matthew as the Genesis of Jesus Christ - Messiah. Starts our systematic expository series in Matthew.

Light on Concrete Wall
How lavish is your love for Christ? A "Sinful Woman" anointed Jesus' feet early in His ministry. The anointing was repeated just before His death, similar to His washing of His disciples at The Lord's Passover meal.

Jesus said: "Whoever is little forgiven, little loves". How much do we realise what we have been forgiven and therefore how much shall we love? A message for the Passover and Lord's Supper season.
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Whoever Is Little Forgiven, Little Loves | Luke 7:36-50

April 20, 2024
LUKE 7:36-50

How lavish is your love for Christ? A "Sinful Woman" anointed Jesus' feet early in His ministry. The anointing was repeated just before His death, similar to His washing of His disciples at The Lord's Passover meal.

Jesus said: "Whoever is little forgiven, little loves". How much do we realise what we have been forgiven and therefore how much shall we love? A message for the Passover and Lord's Supper season.

Light on Concrete Wall
Jesus' baptism was a very personal event for him. What was going on in Jesus' mind while He was being baptised? What work did the Holy Spirit achieve in coming visibly upon Jesus? Part II on the Baptism of Jesus explores what Jesus thought, saw, heard and felt. See how His baptism launched His multi-fold ministry and why this memorable event was recorded by Our Lord in Scripture.
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A Turning Point For Jesus

February 11, 2023
MATTHEW 3:13-17

Jesus' baptism was a very personal event for him. What was going on in Jesus' mind while He was being baptised? What work did the Holy Spirit achieve in coming visibly upon Jesus? Part II on the Baptism of Jesus explores what Jesus thought, saw, heard and felt. See how His baptism launched His multi-fold ministry and why this memorable event was recorded by Our Lord in Scripture.

Light on Concrete Wall
Axes, stones and threshing floors. What do they have to do with the John the Baptist and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God? Peter also details how to recall the fuller details of what baptism encompasses.
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Already, The Axe Is Laid To the Root! - John the Baptist, Part III

January 21, 2023
MATTHEW 3:5-12

Axes, stones and threshing floors. What do they have to do with the John the Baptist and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God? Peter also details how to recall the fuller details of what baptism encompasses.



Meeting Venue:

Ellenbrook Christian College

'G' Block

Cnr Santona & San Lorenzo Blvds


Western Australia


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